Condition Monitoring
This project was led by Moog Insensys and included Romax, SeeByte, the University of Strathclyde, E.ON and EDF
About the project
- Developed intelligent monitoring for wind turbines
- Sought to improve reliability and the monitoring of turbines
- Sought to increase the availability of turbines by reducing their downtime by up to 20%
The Condition Monitoring project was led by Moog Insensys and included Romax, SeeByte, the University of Strathclyde, E.ON and EDF.
It looked towards developing an intelligent integrated, predictive, condition monitoring package for wind turbines, which improved reliability and increased availability by reducing downtime by up to 20% and led to potential savings of £6,000 per turbine.
Launched in September 2009 with £5.4m of ETI funding the system was tested on turbines belonging to EDF in France and E.ON in North Yorkshire. The project completed in summer 2013.