Transition Analysis Project
An assessment of the implication of pursuing different integrated energy networks transition pathways.
About the project
- A knowledge building project to assess the implications of the transition in decarbonising energy networks.
- Focused on outlining the costs, the network and system dependencies, timescales and resource implications of a series of potential pathways.
- The project was delivered by the Energy Systems Catapult.
This project defined network structures – focusing on electricity, gas, heat and hydrogen – to determine how their development could help the wider energy system to transition to a decarbonised position. It analysed the costs of the potential different routes for delivering these wider network structures.
It also looked to identify and consider how to overcome any risk that is inherent in these new network approaches whilst also identifying what are the implications of such transitions for markets, policy formation and regulation.
The Energy Systems Catapult delivered the project for the ETI and provided an evidence base and recommendations for use by industry, government, local authorities, policy-makers and regulators to support decisions in regard to the UK’s future energy network infrastructure.