Waste Gasification Commercial Development Plant
A 1.5 MWe waste gasification power plant capable of high efficiencies and reliability.
- ETI invested £8m in the project
- The Plant delivered a Waste Gasification system capable of high efficiencies and a potential future to deliver chemicals or fuels such as green aviation fuel.
- Up to around 100 construction jobs and 25 permanent operations jobs created.
The project involved building an innovative waste gasification plant in the West Midlands known as the Sustainable Energy Centre, creating around 100 construction jobs and 25 new permanent jobs.
The project was led by Kew Technology with Turner and Townsend acting as Principal Contractor. Mace provided EPC with advice for exploitation and Otto Simon from Cheadle in Cheshire are acting as Principal Designer. Frontline designed the gasifier and FB Tanks & Vesco are manufacturing the pressure vessels.
The 1.5MWe facility, will produce electrical power to supply 2,500 homes, using advanced gasification to produce power at high efficiency and high reliability from sorted and processed municipal waste.
The project converted about 40 tonnes a day of post recycling, refuse derived fuel (RDF) produced locally into a clean syngas. The syngas was then converted into power using a modified high- efficiency gas engine, and waste heat generated from the engine was made available to heat a local swimming pool.
The plant was more compact than many other energy from waste designs and could be suitable for providing heat and power to factories, hospitals as well as being suitable to integrate with heat networks in towns and cities.
It also incorporated a unique test facility which allowed the testing of new engines, turbines and upgrading processes which produced products from waste derived clean syngas including a proprietary methanol production process which boosted product yield significantly over rival technologies.
Further details are available from the Kew Technology website: https://www.kew-tech.com/