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UK CCS Strategy should include a demonstration of bioenergy with CCS technology to allow negative emissions to be delivered within the next decade

8 November 2016

The UK is well-placed to exploit the benefits of BECCS because it has vast storage opportunities offshore, experience in bioenergy deployment, and academic and industrial strength in both bioenergy and CCS. There are no “show-stopping” technical barriers to BECCS. The individual technologies, sectors and value chains have been substantially de-risked over the last 10 years so the next steps are to demonstrate all the components together in combination at a UK plant. This will prove the technology, feedstock supply and logistics, and overall commercial viability. For this to happen UK government support for BECCS is vital as the final decision on its implementation will be a political and financial one, not a technical one.

This progress in the technical, environmental and financial evidence and understanding, together with the commercial demonstration steps being taken by others globally, should give the UK government confidence to commit to, and support the demonstration of this vital technology in the UK,

With the evidence and progress highlighted in this report, we would urge the government to ensure that the UK’s CCS Strategy encompasses the demonstration of BECCS technology to deliver negative emissions within the next decade.

All the BECCS jigsaw pieces are now clear and on the table. Others have started to put them in place internationally, and the UK should do the same.

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