ETI Response to DECC Consultation “The Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme”
April 2016
The ETI welcomed the extension of overall RHI budget in the last Autumn Statement. However, we have concerns that the levels of deployment expected under the extended scheme, particularly in relation to biomass, will be insufficient to develop a strong bio-heat sector, and that the scheme lacks wider support to help the renewable heat sector identify and deliver cost reductions which could allow it to operate without subsidy. Establishing a group with a similar remit to the Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force (reporting at Ministerial level) could focus attention on the key actions needed to deliver cost reductions across the RHI schemes.
DECC Consultation “The Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme”
The ETI welcomed the extension of overall RHI budget in the last Autumn Statement. However, we have concerns that the levels of deployment expected under the extended scheme, particularly in relation to biomass, will be insufficient to develop a strong bio-heat sector, and that the scheme lacks wider support to help the renewable heat sector identify and deliver cost reductions which could allow it to operate without subsidy. Establishing a group with a similar remit to the Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force (reporting at Ministerial level) could focus attention on the key actions needed to deliver cost reductions across the RHI schemes.
DECC Consultation “The Renewable Heat Incentive: A reformed and refocused scheme”