Energy Technologies Institute responds to Energy and Climate Change Inquiry: Home energy efficiency and demand reduction inquiry
8th October 2015
Energy efficient measures tend to be most cost-effective when installed from new. Retrofitting them into an existing complex asset is much harder, thus the task of retrofitting up to 26 million homes in the UK, many with very low thermal efficiency, by 2050 is a considerable challenge. Much of the relatively straightforward, cost-effective improvement to the thermal efficiency of buildings has already been carried out, so achieving further improvements of the existing building stock is likely to be costly and demanding.
View the full response to the home energy efficiency and demand reduction inquiry.
Energy efficient measures tend to be most cost-effective when installed from new. Retrofitting them into an existing complex asset is much harder, thus the task of retrofitting up to 26 million homes in the UK, many with very low thermal efficiency, by 2050 is a considerable challenge. Much of the relatively straightforward, cost-effective improvement to the thermal efficiency of buildings has already been carried out, so achieving further improvements of the existing building stock is likely to be costly and demanding.
View the full response to the home energy efficiency and demand reduction inquiry.