UK Networks Transition Challenges - Electricity
Liam Lidstone
Strategy Manager
For a low carbon future UK energy networks have to change
In the UK, the electricity network is the most widespread energy network, reaching nearly every home and public, commercial and industrial building. It is also the one that serves the greatest number of end-uses, from lighting and heat to appliances, electronics and industrial loads. The possible means of generation are also broad, though currently large-scale thermal power generation (notably gas and nuclear) dominate and are linked by the transmission system. Recently there has been a growth in renewable generation (including on- and off-shore wind, solar PV and biomass) that has been connected at both transmission and distribution level, some of which has required additions or upgrades to the network.
Liam Lidstone
Strategy Manager
Liam Lidstone joined the ETI in 2009 and has worked as Strategy Manager across the Smart Systems and Heat, Buildings, Distributed Energy and Marine programmes. He now has responsibility for Energy Storage and Distribution and Light Vehicle Integration.