Dr David Andrew Clarke FREng
3rd December 1961 - 4th February 2017
Dr David Clarke was appointed Chief Executive Officer at the ETI in 2007. He was employee number one. Over the next ten years he led the organisation with tenacity and vision. Highly respected for his engineering knowledge and ability to communicate the challenges facing the UK energy system, David was well liked and trusted in government and industry circles. At the ETI he was seen as a leader, a colleague and a friend to all. He is missed greatly but the impact of the ETI will be a lasting legacy to the organisation he built, the capability his leadership developed and the people he nurtured who respected and greatly admired him.
The David Clarke Fellowships
In partnership with EPSRC we have launched the David Clarke Fellowships, a series of personal awards to support and advance research into novel low-carbon energy solutions helping to develop the recipients into leaders of the future.
The fellowships will be made for three consecutive years and we hope they will honour his passion and dedication to advancing low-carbon technology for the UK and beyond.
How to apply